Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Balla Shaka

This character was design to represent the legacy of my father. A great soccer player, a true lover for the game, and a player who went ahead and fulfill his dreams. The back story soon to follow. Happy Birthday dad.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Halloween iron man costume

Another Halloween party for the Monkey-Du's as Iron Man the next saga.
Base on my kids, I get so much ideas from them, All I do is sit back and watch. Lots of joy.

Sun Glider poster 10-2013

The furthest point of the planet where they meet all fallen angels. This movie will be great one day.


I design this character for my older son, who is always trying to figure out how things work. So I gave this character name "Tombmas", who can control all electrical things, and also in reminder of my son favorite train Thomas. Love you my son Kimoni.

sulfuric acid female samurai

Just another female samurai created, and just like a volcano she can survive anywhere.